Een vaste beller van het Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie die vastzit in het detentiecentrum Rotterdam heeft onlangs een interview gehad met de BBC waarin hij vertelt over zijn situatie. Lees hieronder een stukje van het artikel.
‘A son of jailed hate preacher Abu Hamza has urged the government to put him on trial after being accused of terrorism and having his UK citizenship revoked.
Sufyan Mostafa Kamal is in a detention centre in Rotterdam, despite, he says, not being convicted of any crimes. Mr Kamal, who is from London, was stripped of his UK passport after travelling to Syria to fight against President Assad’s regime. The Home Office would not confirm details of his case. Mr Kamal told the BBC: “The reasons they gave is that they suspect I have been involved in terrorist activity during my stay in Syria. I strongly deny these accusations.”
“My lawyer and I would like to have a public trial. I want to know what is the foundation to support these accusations? How did they come to this conclusion?”
Mr Kamal, 27, was jailed in Turkey in 2019 after leaving Syria. He was later released and lived freely but was deported to Jordan after the UK accused him of terrorism.
The government revoked his British citizenship in 2016, he says. Such a measure is only taken “after careful consideration”, where it is considered to be “conducive to the public good”, according to the Home Office.
Daniel Furner, a solicitor acting on Mr Kamal’s behalf, said his client had appealed against the decision and the case was currently “pending”.
Meneer Kamal heeft nooit de intentie gehad in Nederland te blijven en was enkel op doorreis naar Engeland. Volgens hem zit hij vanwege de immigratiediensten in Nederland nu vast in detentiecentrum Rotterdam en kan hij niet naar Engeland waar onder andere zijn vrouw en twee kinderen wonen. Het volledige interview kunt u lezen op